Live från EPT Monte Carlo 2007

    • 22:43 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 22:43:14

      Chip counts Start lvl 5
      Steve Jelinek 68 000 GBR
      Greg Raymer 48 000 SWE
      Noah Boeken 46 000 NED
      Barry Greenstein 41 000 USA
      Johnny "bad_ip" Lodden 40 000 NOR
      Ramzi Jelassi 38 000 SWE
      Thomas Wahlroos 26 000 FIN
      Christer Björin 25 000 SWE
      Masaaki Kagawa 23 000 JAP
      Dan Glimne 22 075 SWE
      Katja Thater 22 000 GER
      Jani "Hellraiser" Sointula 21 000 FIN
      Humberto Brenes 19 000 CRC
      Sebastian Ruthenberg 19 000 GER
      Magnus Petersson 17 000 SWE
      Johan Storåkers 16 000 SWE
      Anders "Biffberra" Folkesson 13 000 SWE
      Mikhail Ustinov 13 000 RUS
      Patrick Bueno 12 000 FRA
      Andreas Høivold 11 000 NOR
      Peter Eichhardt 8 500 SWE
      Christoffer Ståhle 5 000 SWE
      Raymi Sanchez-Thörn 5 000 SWE
      Dario Minieri ??? ITA
      Johan Bergqvist ??? SWE
      Gustav Lundholm BUSTED SWE
      Mikael Westerlund BUSTED SWE
      Shahin Hajbarati BUSTED SWE
      Allt om poker!
    • 22:43 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 22:43:08

      Chip counts Start lvl 5
      Steve Jelinek 68 000 GBR
      Greg Raymer 48 000 SWE
      Noah Boeken 46 000 NED
      Barry Greenstein 41 000 USA
      Johnny "bad_ip" Lodden 40 000 NOR
      Ramzi Jelassi 38 000 SWE
      Thomas Wahlroos 26 000 FIN
      Christer Björin 25 000 SWE
      Masaaki Kagawa 23 000 JAP
      Dan Glimne 22 075 SWE
      Katja Thater 22 000 GER
      Jani "Hellraiser" Sointula 21 000 FIN
      Humberto Brenes 19 000 CRC
      Sebastian Ruthenberg 19 000 GER
      Magnus Petersson 17 000 SWE
      Johan Storåkers 16 000 SWE
      Anders "Biffberra" Folkesson 13 000 SWE
      Mikhail Ustinov 13 000 RUS
      Patrick Bueno 12 000 FRA
      Andreas Høivold 11 000 NOR
      Peter Eichhardt 8 500 SWE
      Christoffer Ståhle 5 000 SWE
      Raymi Sanchez-Thörn 5 000 SWE
      Dario Minieri ??? ITA
      Johan Bergqvist ??? SWE
      Gustav Lundholm BUSTED SWE
      Mikael Westerlund BUSTED SWE
      Shahin Hajbarati BUSTED SWE
      Allt om poker!
    • 21:00 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 21:00:57

      Andreas Hagen of Norway has cashed no less than four times in previous EPT tournaments, but is yet to win...
    • 20:58 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 20:58:59

      The always smiling Briton Ben Grundy .
    • 20:55 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 20:55:51

      Jan Sjåvik from Norway. Jan has several WSOP cash finishes as well as a tenth place in the EPT Copenhagen.
    • 20:52 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 20:52:25

      Julian Thew from the UK, with loads of top finishes in local tournaments.
    • 20:49 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 20:49:17

      Luca Pagano from Team PokerStars, the arguably most famous Italian poker player.
    • 20:48 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 20:48:15

      All the way from down under, Mark Vos has arrived. He's got a WSOP bracelet already and is looking to win an EPT event as well.
    • 20:46 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 20:46:48

      Mikhail Ustinov , Russian player who finished 8th here two years ago.
    • 20:45 28 Mar

      2007-03-28 20:45:42

      Andreas Hagen från Norge har fyra pengaplaceringar från EPT-tävlingar, men ännu ingen vinst...


EPT Monte Carlo 2007

Fullständig prislista

Vinnarna (eventet är avslutat)


Gavin Griffin

Vinnare av EPT Monte Carlo 2007 blev Gavin Griffin som tog hem förstapriset på €1 825 010.