"Bittra" Koivulainens Pokerblogg

Dagens bang bang...

Jag vet som sagt inte mycket men here goes nothing:
Day breaks
the wondering begins
night without regret
couldn't face my suffering within,
where I come from, where I've been
I can't go down that path again
There's always a trail of broken hearts
you welcome bitter ends
it's always the first of fall apart
so I try to escape the past
but I'm running no where fast
I will fight
risk my life
give my heart
to find my home
I'm searching for
my dreams to finally last
I search for something real
I search this world for a soul as lost as mine
but all the roads I've seen before
look harder than they were last time
I'm a heart with a will that's just as strong
I'm learning to survive
In search of hope
I push to carry on
waiting for the journey's end and a lifetime to begin
I will fight
risk my life
give my heart
to find my home
I will fight


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"Bittra" Koivulainens Pokerblogg

"Bittra" Koivulainen

Koivulainens blogg har blivit populär genom sin mix av rapporter direkt från pokerborden såväl online som live och personliga betraktelser från vardagen. Hans ofta cyniska syn på tillvaron har gett honom epitetet "Sveriges bittraste bloggare", en image som han förvaltar med glimten i ögat.

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