Nguyen ber om ursäkt

Scotty Nguyen gör bort sig, vid segern i WSOP $50 000 H.O.R.S.E är stjärnan kraftigt berusad och beter sig illa mot både spelare och personal.

18+ Betalas som 4x$5 Spin & Go-biljetter som är giltiga i 7 dagar. Regler & villkor gäller. Spela ansvarsfullt.

Pokerstjärnan Scotty Nguyen gick tidigare i år segrandes ur WSOP $50 000 H.O.R.S.E, samtidigt innehar han dessutom titlar från både WSOP Main Event och World Poker Tour, det är något som ingen annan kan stoltsera med. Dock så har det nu uppmärksammats att Scotty var kraftigt berusad och betedde sig mycket olämpligt i samband med denna seger, det hela blev en snackis efter det att ESPN sände avgörandet av detta event i amerikansk television.

Under detta finalbord uppträder Scotty mycket otrevligt mot både personal och sina motspelare, dessutom så visar han sina kort för publiken samtidigt som motståndaren försöker att besluta huruvida han skall syna Scotty eller ej.

Efter det att flertalet mejl skickats till Scottys hemsida, bland annat från besvikna fans, valde han att skicka tillbaka ett mejl med en ursäkt för sitt beteende.

Ursäkt från Scotty Nguyen;

I would like to apologize to all my fans for the disappointment I have caused in the H.O.R.S.E. Event. For that I would like to express my sincerest apology.
I would like to ask for understanding of what really took place. Keep in mind this was a five day event, with an almost fourteen hour final table that was reduced to two hours of air time including all the commercial breaks. With that being said, as you can imagine, more took place than what made the final cut for t.v.

Last year’s Main Event I made the mistake of letting someone get under my skin, of which overtook my mental focus of the game, and cost me my tournament along with a lot of disappointment amongst my fans and peers. (…) This year, I needed redemption of my own 2007 Main Event demons to prove to myself that no one would get to me again.

This tournament was too important for me, the trophy, the fifth bracelet, and history, my head was zoned in for this event, and for that time, I forgot the fans were watching me. I said things I shouldn’t have said that have disappointed you, and I apologize for my actions.

This tournament I played the players game. They wanted to play a drinking game, and they couldn’t win, they say they can’t even beat a drunk, how can you beat a drunk if I’m not drunk. (…) I gave it right back to them and got underneath their skin, and they couldn’t win. When it came down to playing a poker game, the best will win.

And all I have to say, I hope all you fans understand what I’m trying to say. And watch the tape again. I was not the one to start anything, not even drinking or talking, they wanted to start it with me, and they got beat by me fair and square on all levels they wanted to play.

All I would ever be sorry, is how the fans feel about me, I would never be sorry to beat those players. If they can’t accept defeat, then stay home, crawl under their loved ones arms, don’t bad mouth because you got beat by the best poker player.

Another thing, I always bring joy and excitement to the poker game every time I’m on tv, and all of you know, when Scotty Nguyen is on tv, your eyes are glued on the screen. Why? Because I make it fun so you guys don’t switch the channel.

Bottom line, I only ask for you to please understand and remember that I, Scotty Nguyen, the Prince of Poker is still a human being, just like all of you. I too have good times, bad times, sad times and angry times, just like everyone else in this world, and I hope you can understand that. I do promise to all the fans that no matter what, from now, I would never disappoint you again any which way. I forgot about the fans, and only focused on me. I am sorry.


  • inte ok

    2008-08-28 22:11:09


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