Live från EPT Monte Carlo 2007

    • 18:27 02 Apr

      Table Final table EPT Monte Carlo 2007, Hand 36

      Table Final table EPT Monte Carlo 2007 , Hand 36 .

      Marc Karam (Canada) dealer
      Søren Kongsgaard (Denmark) small blind (15000)
      Gavin Griffin (USA) big blind (30000)

      Søren Kongsgaard raises to 95.000 and Gavin Griffin calls

      Flop :5g: 3♠ 2♠

      Round check

      Turn :Kg:

      Søren bets 130.000 and wins the pot
    • 18:27 02 Apr

      Bord Finalbord EPT Monte Carlo 2007, Hand 36

      Bord Finalbord EPT Monte Carlo 2007 , Hand 36 .

      Marc Karam (Kanada) dealer
      Søren Kongsgaard (Danmark) small blind (15000)
      Gavin Griffin (USA) big blind (30000)
      Ante 3000


      Søren Kongsgaard höjer till 95 000 och Gavin Griffin synar

      Flop :5g: 3♠ 2♠


      Turn :Kg:

      Søren satsar 130 000 och vinner potten
    • 18:26 02 Apr

      2007-04-02 18:26:08

      Gavin Griffin doubles up against Soren Kongsgaard.


      Gavin Griffin raises to 80.000 3♥
      Søren Kongsgaard re-raises to 200.000
      Gavin goes all-in with Q♠ Q♥ and Søren calls with J♠ :Jb:

      Flop :5g: :Ab: A♥

      Turn K♠

      River :3b:
    • 18:25 02 Apr

      2007-04-02 18:25:02

      Gavin Griffin Dubblar upp mot Soren Kongsgaard.


      Gavin Griffin höjer till 80 000
      Søren Kongsgaard återhöjer till 200 000
      Gavin går all-in med Q♠ Q♥ och Søren synar med J♠ :Jb:

      Flop :5g: :Ab: A♥

      Turn K♠

      River :3b:
    • 18:24 02 Apr

      Bord Finalbord EPT Monte Carlo 2007, Hand 35

      Bord Finalbord EPT Monte Carlo 2007 , Hand 35 .

      Kristian Kjøndal (Norge) dealer
      Marc Karam (Kanada) small blind (15000)
      Søren Kongsgaard (Danmark) big blind (30000)
      Ante 3000


      Dött kort: 3♥

      Gavin Griffin höjer till 80 000
      Søren Kongsgaard återhöjer till 200 000
      Gavin går all-in med Q♠ Q♥ och Søren synar med J♠ :Jb:

      Flop :5g: :Ab: A♥

      Turn K♠

      River :3b:

      Gavin Griffin dubblar i en enorm pott!
    • 18:24 02 Apr

      Table Final table EPT Monte Carlo 2007, Hand 35

      Table Final table EPT Monte Carlo 2007 , Hand 35 .

      Kristian Kjøndal (Norway) dealer
      Marc Karam (Canada) small blind (15000)
      Søren Kongsgaard (Denmark) big blind (30000)

      Burned card: 3♥

      Gavin Griffin raises to 80.000 3♥
      Søren Kongsgaard re-raises to 200.000
      Gavin goes all-in with Q♠ Q♥ and Søren calls with J♠ :Jb:

      Flop :5g: :Ab: A♥

      Turn K♠

      River :3b:

      Gavin Griffin doubles up in an enormous pot!
    • 18:20 02 Apr

      Bord Finalbord EPT Monte Carlo 2007, Hand 34

      Bord Finalbord EPT Monte Carlo 2007 , Hand 34 .

      Gavin Griffin (USA) dealer
      Kristian Kjøndal (Norge) small blind (15000)
      Marc Karam (Kanada) big blind (30000)
      Ante 3000


      Marc Karam höjer till 125 000 och Gavin Griffin synar

      Flop :7g: :6g: 7♥

      Marc satsar 200 000 och vinner potten
    • 18:20 02 Apr

      Table Final table EPT Monte Carlo 2007, Hand 34

      Table Final table EPT Monte Carlo 2007 , Hand 34 .

      Gavin Griffin (USA) dealer
      Kristian Kjøndal (Norway) small blind (15000)
      Marc Karam (Canada) big blind (30000)

      Marc Karam raises to 125.000 and Gavin Griffin calls

      Flop :7g: :6g: 7♥

      Marc bets 200.000 and wins the pot
    • 18:20 02 Apr

      2007-04-02 18:20:28

      As I thought... Josh Prager finishes the tournament in fifth position


      Søren Kongsgaard calls
      Josh Prager calls
      and Gavin Griffin calls

      Flop 2♥ :2b: 8♠

      Gavin checks
      Søren bets 200.000
      Josh goes all-inand Søren calls with :Tw: :Tw:
      Josh has :7w: :7w:

      Turn :8g:

      River J♠

      Josh Prager gets €391 550 for his effort.
    • 18:18 02 Apr

      2007-04-02 18:18:41

      A bit more than 30 pots played now. The five remaining players all have enough chips to sit for a long time right now, so I dont think that much will happen for a while. But usually when I have those thoughts someone gets busted out...


EPT Monte Carlo 2007

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Vinnarna (eventet är avslutat)


Gavin Griffin

Vinnare av EPT Monte Carlo 2007 blev Gavin Griffin som tog hem förstapriset på €1 825 010.