
Då och då kommer det anklagelser om fusk. Nu är det Patrik Antonius, Tom Dwan och Phil Galfond som anklagats för att spela med flera konton mot Chris "Genius28" Lee.

Riggen, superanvändare och alla andra typer av fusk har diskuterats sedan nätpokerns födelse i princip. Nu har fuskanklagelserna även nått highstakes-bordens största profiler.

Chris "Genius28" Lee anklagar Patrik Antonus, Tom Dwan och Phil Galfond för att ha använt multipla konton när de spelat mot honom. Men den som framför allt anklagades för att ha fuskat är Tom "kingsofcards" Marchese.

Från och med nu tänker inte Chris "Genius28" Lee spela heads-up mot Tom "kingsofcards" Marchese, i alla fall om man ska tro deras chat.

Genius28: and all this stuff u are trying to say to me out of spite
Genius28: is irrelevant even if it were true
Genius28: considering u aqre making accusations from 2yrs ago
Genius28: u realize EVERYONE multi accounted vs me yrs ago
Genius28: patrik durrr jman...everyone
Genius28: diff is...now they crack down
Genius28: and ur still doing it
Genius28: so fk off
Spirit Rock: great point genius
kingsofcards: i multiaccount?
kingsofcards: this is a new accusation
Genius28: no but wat u do
Genius28: is the same thing
Spirit Rock: nutsinho doesnt have account here?
Spirit Rock: his own account?
kingsofcards: his account is self banned
Ansky451: i thought he was kaintd77
Spirit Rock: what does that mean
kingsofcards: no
Ansky451: lol
Ansky451: joke...
Spirit Rock: def wont be playing u hu anymore kings
Spirit Rock: dont even know who im playing
Spirit Rock: much rather play nutsinho then u anyday
kingsofcards: i could say that about anyone
Spirit Rock: hes ***** terrible
kingsofcards: agreed
Spirit Rock: he probably told you to move in on me when i had AA lol
Spirit Rock: if i knew its nutsinho i call
Spirit Rock: u i fold
Spirit Rock: so its not fair
Spirit Rock: you could say that about anyone?
kingsofcards: yes
Spirit Rock: email fulltilt then
kingsofcards: i cannot tell who i am playing
Spirit Rock: shouldnt happen anymore
kingsofcards: but im not going to email anyone about it
Spirit Rock: lol
Spirit Rock: falskdfjalskdfha sldkfhasdkfhsaldkfha


  • Men va e sanningen då? Cmn! Give me sanningen. Reportrar snackaroch skriver men vad är det som har hänt? TLK var ju svenskstörsta fuskaren som kör bowling nu.. haha lol vilken sopa. Ja losa massor mot han.

    2009-10-21 16:05:45


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