2005-07-16 11:08:51
Hand 149 - Aaron Kanter has the button in seat 6, Black raises to $600,000, Dannenmann reraises to $2,000,000, and Black moves all in. Dannenmann immediately calls. Black shows pocket tens (10
), while Dannenmann has A
. It's another race situation.
The flop comes 8
, and Black is still in the lead with his pair of tens. Dannenmann needs a king, an ace, or a runner-runner straight to stay alive.
The turn card is the K
, and Dannenmann takes the lead with a pair of kings. Now Black needs to catch a ten on the river (2 outs) to stay alive.
The river card is the 9
, teasing the crowd by looking similar to the black ten that Black needed to survive.
Andrew Black is eliminated in fifth place, earning $1,750,000, and he receives a standing ovation from the entire crowd.

The flop comes 8

The turn card is the K

The river card is the 9

Andrew Black is eliminated in fifth place, earning $1,750,000, and he receives a standing ovation from the entire crowd.