Live från EPT Monte Carlo 2007

19:16 02 Apr

Table Final table EPT Monte Carlo 2007, Hand 63

Table Final table EPT Monte Carlo 2007 , Hand 63 .

Kristian Kjøndal (Norway) dealer
Marc Karam (Canada) small blind (15000)
Søren Kongsgaard (Denmark) big blind (30000)

Gavin Griffin raises to 80.000
Marc Karam raises with both hands, one at a time, and the others player mean that it should count as a string bet - that is, that he technically just called. The floor manager is called, and he agrees with the dealer, who agrees with the other players. So Marc calls.
Søren Kongsgaard goes all-in
Gavin folds and Marc calls

Marc has :Ab: K♠
Søren has :Aw: :Kw:

Split pot


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EPT Monte Carlo 2007

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Gavin Griffin

Vinnare av EPT Monte Carlo 2007 blev Gavin Griffin som tog hem förstapriset på €1 825 010.