2007-04-02 16:44:14
First player out from the final table.
Ram Vaswani , who didnt had that much to start with today
Ram Vaswani raises to 70.000 and Marc Karam calls
Flop 4♥ :4b: :5b:
Round check
Turn :Tg:
Ram checks
Marc bets 70.000 and Ram goes all-in
Marc calls
Ram has :Jb: :Tb:
Marc has :Kw: :Tw:
River Q♥
Ram Vaswani finishes the tournament on position 8
Ram Vaswani , who didnt had that much to start with today
Ram Vaswani raises to 70.000 and Marc Karam calls
Flop 4♥ :4b: :5b:
Round check
Turn :Tg:
Ram checks
Marc bets 70.000 and Ram goes all-in
Marc calls
Ram has :Jb: :Tb:
Marc has :Kw: :Tw:
River Q♥
Ram Vaswani finishes the tournament on position 8