Live från EPT Monte Carlo 2007

01:21 02 Apr

2007-04-02 01:21:11

Josh Prager min-raises to 48k in the sb, and Carlos Mortensen goes all-in for about 250k in the big blind. Josh thinks forever before finally calling with Q 3:club. Carlos has 7 6.

The flop is 3 5 7 which gives Carlos pair and gutshot straight draw, but Josh a flush draw.
Turn 8
River 2

Carlos Mortensen from Spanien out in eleventh place.


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EPT Monte Carlo 2007

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Vinnarna (eventet är avslutat)


Gavin Griffin

Vinnare av EPT Monte Carlo 2007 blev Gavin Griffin som tog hem förstapriset på €1 825 010.