Live från EPT Monte Carlo 2007

04:13 29 Mar

2007-03-29 04:13:01

After almost 14 hours of play, all competitors have counted their chips and gone home to snooze or booze depending on their luck in the tournament.

It must be said of the event that it is by far the best organized EPT tournament I have been to. This is especially nice after the organisational catastrophe that was the German Open just a few weeks ago.

The tournament area as long as the press room are both very well ventilated and there is lots of open space. People are nice and friendly and there's no problem distinguishing information.

Of course, things could always get better (as could the wireless internet connection), but all in all, this year's EPT Monte Carlo event has been very well done so far.


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EPT Monte Carlo 2007

Fullständig prislista

Vinnarna (eventet är avslutat)


Gavin Griffin

Vinnare av EPT Monte Carlo 2007 blev Gavin Griffin som tog hem förstapriset på €1 825 010.