Live från EPT Monte Carlo 2007

14:12 28 Mar

2007-03-28 14:12:49

We’ve finally arrived in Monte Carlo, at our four-star hotel. Very luxurious but lacks a working wireless internet connection. No matter, we probably won’t be sitting at the hotel a lot anyway.

Despite having lived in Dublin, I have never seen such a rebuilding frenzy as here. The roads during the 45 minutes between the airport in Nice and Monte Carlo were borded by reconstruction signs and holes in the ground. Still, that made more sense than the road to the hotel being blocked when we finally got there. So we had to take another route – only ten more minutes, but still – only to learn upon arrival that the first road had been unblocked and the new one was closed off instead.

Our taxi driver was very apologetic, but obviously, it wasn’t her fault. She kept talking to us in rapid French though, despite our trying phrases such as ”Sorry, we don’t speak French” and ”Pardonnez-moi, je ne parlez pas francaise”, or however that’s spelt.

In Schiphol, the airport in Amsterdam, we met Andreas Hoivold, Norwegian winner of the EPT event in Dortmund, the German Open, and a generally nice guy, as well as his countryman Espen Saltnes, most famous for his eighth place finish in the WPT Challenge event last year. They were both in a very good mood and assured us they’re here to win, though in Schiphol, they seemed a bit more interested in vodka.

Espen and Andreas laughing, until reminded of the bad results their soccer team’s been getting lately.


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EPT Monte Carlo 2007

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Gavin Griffin

Vinnare av EPT Monte Carlo 2007 blev Gavin Griffin som tog hem förstapriset på €1 825 010.